Special Rates for Specialized Coaching
Personal, Relationship & Family Empowerment
Minimum of (2) 1 hr sessions Monthly
My Life Coaching sessions gives my clients regardless of race, nationality, class, caste, religion, belief, sex, gender, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics, age, health or other status the valuable guidance and support through counsel goal-setting, and encouragement needed to overcome and reach their ultimate goals.
Minimum of (4) 1 hr sessions Monthly
Relationship Coaching is one of the most popular and successful coaching packages. I administer support for individuals and couples in learning vital skills for relating in marriages and any romantic partnerships. My sessions are based on knowledge, experiences, and strategies I have developed over my years as a Life Coach.
Minimum of (6) 1 hr sessions Bi-Monthly
Family Coaching sessions with Crosby Coaching is unlike any other coaching program out there. I work with families to help improve their familiar dynamics by finding solutions to their families' diverse concerns. I give tools and strategies to support parents and their children (families) the ability to adapt their reality and values.